About Daily Drafts & Dialogues

The Daily Drafts & Dialogues Substack was founded by me, K.E. Creighton. I’m a writer and reader who questions things as they are and stories as they seem, endlessly searching for noteworthy narratives and concepts. (See more about me below.)

I created the Daily Drafts & Dialogues Substack to keep my daily reading and writing habits alive with the hope that it would inspire other readers and writers to do the same.

Writing and reading every day has the potential to change your life in so many ways. Trust me. I know.

When I started reading and writing every day a few years ago, I noticed that I became more focused and attuned to the world and people around me, and that my overall mood and quality of life improved. In that way, I suppose engaging with the written word on a daily basis became a form of practical therapy for me, a way to channel and organize my thoughts and feelings or escape from daily stressors. And it had such a profound effect on me that I decided to encourage other writers and readers to join me here.

I look forward to facilitating an important community of readers and writers like you—readers and writers who want to continue to improve and learn to enjoy their writing craft.

Whether you’re a novice or expert, you’ll want to subscribe for free to access:

  • Daily Writing Prompts

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  • Writing Inspiration and Tips

  • Reading Inspiration and Tips

  • Book Reviews

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A little bit more about me, K.E. Creighton

I am a writer and reader who believes in the power of storytelling. Never pretentious. Rarely conventional. Occasionally poetic. Often philosophical. Always human.

I have a master’s degree in English with a concentration in Latin American and Latino Studies, a B.A. in Philosophy, and a B.A. in English. After my time in academia and working for various businesses and corporations and publications, I decided to become a freelance writer, which was one of the best decisions I have ever made. To say that I write for a living still gives me a thrill every day, and the flexible hours and working conditions don’t hurt either. I am currently taking a step back from my regular freelance work, however, to work full time on my debut novel until it is finished.

I live in Colorado, USA, where I love to hike in the mountains and be outdoors as much as I can with my husband and rescue dog, Lilly. And when I’m not outdoors or reading or writing, I am continuously perfecting a variety of my favorite vegetarian and vegan recipes.

K.E. Creighton's Social Links

Some of my Philosophies

On Writing

  • Always start writing with a vital question in mind or to better understand an emotional state. The best writing usually necessitates combining these two elements with great discretion and diplomacy, regardless of what’s written.

  • Fiction often reveals fundamental truths and humaneness that nonfiction cannot.

  • Write before you are ready, and you will always be ready to write.

  • Keeping a consistent daily writing habit is the most important thing any writer can do if they want to keep writing. The muses are not always reliable, but the passing of time is.

  • You cannot be a prolific writer without also being a prolific reader.

On Reading

  • Everything read can inspire something that still needs to be written, if it’s read with the appropriate attitude, objective curiosity, and sincere empathy without harsh judgment.

  • Read as often as you write. Read every day— especially if you want to write every day.

“Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.” Hannah Arendt

On Life

  • Be curious, not judgmental.

  • Never lose your sense of wonder.

  • Stay grounded and grateful every day, but don’t forget to dream from time to time.

  • Try to leave more than you take as often as possible.

  • Do hard things that need doing without reservation but with grace and humility.

  • Question and appreciate everything in equal measure.

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Daily writing and reading inspiration and engagement to keep you writing and reading every day.


I am a writer and reader who believes in the power of storytelling. Never pretentious. Rarely conventional. Occasionally poetic. Often philosophical. Always human.